Modeling Purpose and Passion in Our Children's Lives
What is vision and why is it so important? Vision is the guiding force that leads us as parents and our children to a purposeful life. Vision provides the motivation for making all of life’s choices in areas such as our family’s relationships, our career or business choices, our family’s finances, and our children’s education and guidance. Vision is the “WHY” behind everything that we do as an individual and a family.
Whether you know it or not, Lack of Vision is the central villain that is destroying you and your family’s lives! This stealthy villain does this by utilizing subtle tactics. He confuses you on your daily decision making. He knows that if you do not base your decisions and choices on a vision that is filled with purpose and meaning then you will waste life’s opportunities and you will waste your resources. When you do not have a vision for your life and for the lives of your family then you will be confused on which direction that you should take in life to find meaning and purpose. This villain of a Lack of Vision steals the relationships that you have with your children. If you do not have a vision for your life and the lives of each one of your sons and your daughters then you will not be able to effectively guide them to make correct purpose-filled choices during their life’s journey. Vision is the avenue on which to develop deep and meaningful relationships within your family. Because when you as a parent pursue and instill a vision in your life to help others it allows you to pour meaning and purpose into the lives of your children while helping others. This happens because once your children see you living out your vision in your daily life with passion and purpose, they will allow you to speak into the different areas of their lives.
The Villain of a Lack of Vision will paralyze you and your children! On our journey through life we as parents many times do not know which direction to go. We do not know which path will lead our family to success. So, we become fearful of making the wrong choices or committing to a plan of action for both us and for the lives of our family. This is an example of the Villain of a Lack of Vision in action in our lives. He knows that if you had a Vision in your life, you would instinctively know which direction to go on your life’s journey. He knows that if you had a Vision for your life and the lives of your children then you would be able to make the hard long-term choices, and be able to commit to a plan that would lead you and your family to success. He knows that if you commit to a Vision to help others you will create opportunities to speak wisdom into the lives of your children, and develop them into the leaders that God has called them to be. He knows that if you fully, passionately commit to a Vision to help others that you as a parent will lead your family down life’s pathway to success!
The results from the attacks of a Lack of Vision can be devastating! When we fail to implement vision in our lives, we as parents are deprived of opportunities to speak into the lives of our children and develop deep meaningful relationships. Because we have not implemented a vision in our life, our children do not see any passion or purpose in our life and refuse to listen to our advice or direction. Because we are not able to speak into the lives of our children, they go down the wrong path. They listen to other people who are passionate about a cause but who lead them down a pathway of failure. Because we as parents have not been examples of passionate, vision filled leaders we have sat back and watched the choices that are children have made and been helpless to bring about change in their lives. Many of us have watched our children waste opportunities, waste their education, and waste the resources that were meant to develop them into becoming successful adults. If our children do not know the “why” behind what they are doing with their lives, they lose or never develop their motivation because they do not see any point in what they are doing. If they do not understand the “Why” or meaning behind their choices then they will not learn to take ownership of their lives, their choices, and their future. Does this sound like some of the problems you are facing when raising your children?
Here is the good news, we are not created to go through life without knowing the purpose or the vision for our lives and the lives of our children. It would be wrong for us as parents to let the Villain of a Lack of Vision destroy our lives and the lives of our family members. It would be wrong for us as parents to let our children wander through life and to not have the keys to live a life filled with vision and purpose. Here is some more good news! It is never to late to start implementing a vision to help others in our life. If you passionately implement a vision to help others your children will eventually take notice. They will start to see you as a leader that they can listen to.